Edmund Yik-Man CHIANG 

Please visit the link for my most update information: https://machiang.wixsite.com/machiang

BSc (1987), PhD (1991) University College London  (University of London)  (Wikipedia links to UCL and University of London.)


During the Spring semester 2021-22, my "available time slots" are as follows. You are encouraged to come to my office other than my teaching time slots. However, as I may be away due to meeting, etc, so to guarantee that you can locate me exactly in those time slots, it would be better that you e-mail me for an appointment in advance:






Morning by appointment

Morning by appointment

Morning by appointment      Morning by appointment MATH1014


Generally available
after 14:30


Generally available
after 14:30


Generally available
after 14:30


     ....................................................................................................... cont....


Research Interests: Complex function theory (Nevanlinna theory), Differential/Difference equations, Special functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. Publications


Courses for spring semester, 2022-2023:

    1. MATH1014:  Calculus II

Previous semester courses

Minor program:

Conferences: Cosmology since Einstein (30th May to 1st June 2011), Frontiers of Nevanlinna Theory (2011-12)

S. T. Yau's HKUST talks on mathematics (in Cantonese):

Dick Askey's Distinguished Lecture given at IAS (UST) lecture (3/6/ 2010)

Special function handbooks:

C. C. Yang's farewell lunch, In memory of Pit-Mann Wong (from Julia Wang) and Tributes, Steven B. Bank's door in Illini Hall

Other interests , Useful links

Support Wikipedia

Email:machiang@ust.hk, Tel: (852) 2358 7441
Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong