Policy for worksheets, quizzes, Mid-term and Final examinations, etc.

Tutorials: We do not encourage students to change their tutorial sessions unless there a very strong reason (such as medical problems)

Worksheets: If you missed a worksheet without prior notice or to take the worksheet in a tutorial session that you do not belong to without prior permission, then we may not count your worksheet. If you missed a worksheet with a medical condition or under very exceptional reason, then you should produce an official proof for that.

Mid-term examination: We have already set the date of the examination to be in the evening of 23rd March If you cannot attend the examination due to exceptional reason, then you should notify the course instructor and coordinator at least two weeks before that date. Reasons such as outside activities, outside examinations will generally not be considered as exceptional. If you missed the examination due to medical reason then it is necessary that you produce a medical proof. Failure of following above rules may lead to zero mark be given to the examination.

Final examination: The rules are the same as those of the mid-term examination. In addition, If you failed the examination, then we will not offer a make-up examination after the final examination. You need to take the course again in a later semester.


Last updated: 27th Jan. 2007
