Math 2121 (Fall 2019)


Welcome to the homepage for Math 2121: Linear Algebra!

Check out the syllabus here.


The time and locations of the lectures are as follows:

Office hours

My office is Room 3492 in the Mathematics Department, near Lift 25-26.
Drop by anytime, or send an email to make an appointment.


The following is our primary textbook:

Other resources

Some other online resources:


Grades will be computed as follows:

Midterm examination

We will have a 2-hour, out-of-class midterm:

Email the instructor right away if you have a conflict with the midterm date.

Information on what to study: Midterm solutions

Final examination

Our postponed 3-hour final examination is now scheduled:

The final examination will be conducted online using the WeBWorK system. More detailed instructions about the exam will be announced later by email.

Information on what to study for the final:
Review assignments:


The following is a tentative course outline:

Lecture notes

Lectures notes will be posted online each Friday for the following week.
You should try to read the notes before each class.


We will have weekly homework assignments. Here are the relevant logistics: