Notebook 5 – Math 2121, Fall 2020

In today's notebook we'll explore the plots of some linear transformations.

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Linear transformations

A linear transformation RnRm is a function T that takes inputs xRn and produces outputs T(x)Rm such that T(x+y)=T(x)+T(y) and T(cx)=cT(x) for all x,yRn and cR.

If you have an m×n matrix A, then the formula T(x)=Ax for xRn defines a linear transformation RnRm. In this case we say that A is the standard matrix of T.

Does every linear transformation arise in this way? (Yes.)

Can a linear transformation have more than one standard matrix? (No.)

Given a linear transformation, how do you find its standard matrix?

Let's investigate these questions when n and m are small numbers.

17 μs
Helper methods
7.9 μs
pprint (generic function with 1 method)
49.4 μs
mesh_inputs (generic function with 1 method)
44.7 μs
input_plot (generic function with 1 method)
62.8 μs
transformation_plot (generic function with 2 methods)
70.8 μs
Creating a linear transformation from R1R2
6.5 μs
random_linear_transformation (generic function with 1 method)
120 μs
#2 (generic function with 1 method)
67.2 ms

Input in R1

x = 1

218 ms
22.6 s
9.9 μs
75.3 ms

The pictures above show a random linear transformation T:R1R2.

When we vary the input value x, the output is a vector that always points along the same line.

Changing x just rescales this vector.

If A=T([1]) then T([x])=A[x]=xA for all xR.

6.7 μs
Creating a linear transformation from R2R2
3.5 μs
#2 (generic function with 1 method)
35.5 μs

Display: sum mesh

14.2 ms

Input vectors in R2

x1 = y1 =

x2 = y2 =

rotate =

19.4 ms
x = [ 1.0]     y = [ 0.0]
    [ 0.0]         [ 1.0]
61 μs
U(x) = [ 0.8]     U(y) = [ 0.2]
       [-0.2]            [-0.3]
23.6 μs
25.8 ms
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
  0.8   0.2
 -0.2  -0.3
82 ms
20.8 μs

The pictures above show a random linear transformation U:R2R2.

The key property of this transformation is that it preserves parallelograms: the output of all points in the parallelogram with sides x and y is just the parallelogram with sides U(x) and U(y).

Another crucial aspect of linear transformations is that if U1:RmRp and U2:RnRm are both linear, then the function U(x)=U1(U2(x)) is a linear transformation U:RnRp.

We can test this for n=m=p=2.

8.7 μs
Creating a linear transformation from a matrix

A_11 = A_12 =

A_21 = A_22 =

138 μs
2×2 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0
 0  1
31.9 ms
73.5 ms

Input vectors in R2

x1 = y1 =

x2 = y2 =

rotate =

168 μs
x = [ 1.0]     y = [ 0.0]
    [ 0.0]         [ 1.0]
69.6 μs
6.9 ms
Nonlinear transformations

Finally, let's compare with plots of functions R2R2 that are not linear.

5.8 μs
random_quadratic_transformation (generic function with 1 method)
96.4 μs
(::Main.workspace741.var"#f#8"{Int64,Int64,Array{Array{Float64,2},1}}) (generic function with 1 method)
67.4 ms

Input vectors in R2

x1 = y1 =

x2 = y2 =

rotate =

173 μs
x = [ 1.0]     y = [ 0.0]
    [ 0.0]         [ 1.0]
72.4 μs
Q(x) = [-0.18]     Q(y) = [ 1.13]
       [ 1.91]            [-1.68]
30.2 μs
12.1 ms

Note that parallelograms are not preserved by this transformation.

3 μs